Angular 8
Typescript & ES6
- Introduction
- What is Typescript
- Why Typescript
- Setup and installation
- IDE support
Scoping using Let and Const Keywords ( ES6 )
Template Literals ( ES6 )
Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters ( ES6 )
Destructuring ( ES6 )
Destructuring ( ES6 )
Power of Types
- Introduction
- Type inference
- Type Annotations
- Number
- Boolean
- String
- Array
- Tuple
- Enum
- Any
- Void
- Null and Undefined
- Never ( Typescript 2)
Explore Functions
- Introduction
- Using types in functions
- Function as types
- Optional and default parameters
- Arrow functions
- Function overloading
- Introduction
- Inheritance
- Access modifiers
- Getters and setters
- Read-only & static
- Abstract classes
- Introduction
- Optional properties and methods
- Read-only & const
- Strict structural contract
- Extending interface
- Implementing interface
- Introduction
- Import
- Export
- Default
- Default
Decorators ( Typescript Aspect Oriented Programming)
Working with Angular CLI
- Angular CLI
- Anatomy of the project
- Debugging Angular apps
- Working with Augury